Lightning Jobs on Our Platform
Our platform selects specific Manufacturing Partners suitable for lightning jobs. These jobs include a fixed price (including shipping) and a required delivery date.
Before accepting a lightning job, ensure that:
You can meet the required specifications and materials.
You agree with the price and delivery date, as these cannot be changed once accepted.
Once accepted, a purchase order will be sent immediately, and production must begin. Please note: Lightning jobs cannot be cancelled once accepted.
Act quickly to secure lightning jobs because they are sent out to multiple partners. If the job is no longer available, it means another Manufacturing Partner has already accepted it.
Where to Find Lightning Jobs
To find lightning jobs, go to your Partner Dashboard, click on "Available Jobs," and you’ll see lightning jobs at the top of the page, highlighted in yellow. We also send out emails when a new lightning job has been added, so regularly check your inbox for those.
Reviewing Job Details
Carefully check all details displayed for the job. If you need more information, click "View and Win" to access additional job details.
Key Information Provided:
Number of Jobs
Number of Parts
Delivery In: The expected delivery date at our hub (not the shipment date)
Delivery To:
Delivery Address
Further Details Available Upon Scrolling Down:
Service Line
Surface Finish
Secondary Finish
Tightest Tolerance
Min Surface Roughness
Inspection Required
Additional Notes - Ensure you read the JOB NOTES
You can also download step files and PDF files for further review.
If you have any questions, click "Technical Query? Open Chat" to reach out to our quoting team. While your question is being addressed, the job remains available for other suitable partners to accept.
Important: If you cannot meet the price and delivery date shown, do not accept the job. You must also be able to manufacture all jobs shown, you can not pick or choose. You have to accept all jobs.
Accepting a Lightning Job
After thoroughly reviewing all details and confirming that you can meet the listed specifications, click "Win" to accept the job.
By clicking "Win," you agree to manufacture according to the specified requirements, price, and delivery date. Please note that attempting to cancel the order after acceptance will result in a penalty.
Once you click "Win," the job will be moved to "Current Jobs," and a purchase order will be sent to you immediately.