Parts must be delivered free of any foreign objects, including oil, cooling fluid, and other lubricants used during manufacturing. Ensure parts are cleaned before uploading for virtual quality control, as our quality assurance team will evaluate them "as is" upon arrival at the Geomiq QC Hub.
Material Exception: Parts prone to corrosion should be lightly coated with an environmentally friendly, non-hazardous anticorrosive material.
Root Causes
Parts not cleaned after machining
Parts not degreased
Cutting fluid not removed
Swarf not removed from threads and holes (Note: Swarf can also cause scratches and scuff marks)
Clean all parts before uploading to Virtual Quality Control
Degrease and remove all cutting fluids with an environmentally friendly solution
Ensure parts are free from any foreign objects before packaging
Clean all dirt off the parts to ensure only the metal/plastic surface is visible
Use only environmentally friendly anticorrosive fluids for metals prone to corrosion
Unacceptable Condition:
Parts with oil, dirt, or marks will be deemed unacceptable
Next Steps
Follow the instructions provided via the platform. If no other issues are identified, please clean and re-upload the parts for VQC inspection.